Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Critique, Alpha presentation

The critique after presenting "Olfactive Expression" was very insightful. I have been engrossed in the preliminary process of project for a while now thus others comments gave fresh insight in certain sections.
The comments were quite positive in the terms of the larger navigational structure of the project however there was fair amount of discussion
on the identity of the project specifically, logo. The important point that I have to  addresses further while working on my project identity is to focus more on
the aspect of smell ( visually)  rather than sound. It becomes even more important when the applications are designed using elements from the project identity.

Another aspect of project that lead to discussion was to consider the budget factor. The discussion was predominantly about targeting
larger audience. Partly I believe that Moma (as a chosen location) itself would generate fairly larger audience but one of ways I plan to addresses it is by
bringing clarity in my project identity and its applications.  

Other elements of the project include website and space. During the critique the navigational structure of the website seemed resolved although the layout
will change based on the changes in identity. The physical space of the exhibit had mixed reviews, although I feel that after finishing couple of other views
it will be clear. I also plan to show details on the walls in terms of information graphics. 

Lastly the movie. Honestly it wasn't thought through and was still under the process of developing but if I plan to include it in Beta presentation I would
try to find an interesting alternative to show smell visually. And consider sound thoughtfully.

On whole my critique was very helping and I am well aware of the aspects of project that I need to focus on. 
At present I am focussed on resolving my project aesthetically.    

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